Are you tired of seeing more of your hair on your brush and shower floor than you think should be there? If so, what are some of the things you can do about it? A good way to think of your hair is to think about a flower garden. How and if the flowers grow in the garden are a direct result of what is going on underneath the surface. The same concept applies to hair growth. Your hair’s growth is related to what is going on inside of your body.
Like a garden, a normal hair cycle should result in the growth of hair at the end. Hair growth cycles are extremely important because if there is a hiccup in one or two cycles, the entire process can result in the loss of hair and that is something that women definitely do not want.
There is an extensive list of things that can affect hair growth including:
- Medication
- Hormonal imbalances
- Illness
- Chemicals
Hair cycles are dynamic, and any interruption can cause a cycle to get off track.
Although hair loss appears to be a problem that is more prevalent in men, women between the ages of 50 and 60 also often experience hair loss. In fact, women of any age can experience hair loss and this is what leads many to look for a quality thin hair treatment.

Hair Growth Cycles
The hair growth cycle is made of three separate cycles known as anagen, catagen and telogen. At any given time, over 90% of the hair on a woman’s head is in the anagen phase, also known as the growth phase. This phase can last up to eight years.
The transition, or catagen, phase may last up to one month. During this phase, the follicles shrink. The hair rests in the last, or telogen, phase.
This means that most of the hair on a woman’s head is growing, and only around 10% of the hair is in the resting phase.
Hair Loss
It is common to lose up to 100 strands of hair on a daily basis. When you wash your hair, you may lose over 200 strands at one time. However, this doesn’t mean you should stop washing your hair because it will fall out sooner or later.
If you do not want to count strands every day, there are some simple ways to tell if your hair is thinning. One thing that you can do is look at your pillow as soon as you wake up. Substantial amounts of hair on your pillow or clumps of hair on your brush or comb can indicate your hair may be thinning.
Bloodwork can confirm a cause for your hair loss, and can also determine if you have a thyroid issue or if an autoimmune disorder is the cause of your thinning hair.
Other Culprits
Genetics and over manipulation of the hair can also cause hair loss. If you suspect over manipulation is causing your hair to become thinner, you can start to reverse the process by avoiding hair dyes, blow dryers, flat irons and brushes.
Also avoid hairstyles that can place excess pressure on the strands like cornrows or ponytails. These are the styles that can cause traction alopecia.
Fortunately, hair growth can return when these issues are addressed and resolved. However, do not hesitate to schedule an appointment with a dermatologist if you suspect something is awry with your hair.
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