Thursday, June 23, 2016

Effective Exercise Is The Key To Torching Fat

What’s key to torching fat is to know what to do and what not to. Experts agree that burning fat and staying fit must always be consistent.

Carefully planned exercise is the key to torching fat.

By now you know that no amount of medicines can effectively torch fat without exercise. If there’s one, then it guarantees to last only for the short term and then you get the fat back again.

Myth: Cardio only workout

This is a myth not worth anything, probably just very little. It may do some fat burning, but is an inefficient way of losing it. Experts agree that high intensity interval training is the best way to go at it.

Myth: Use light weights

This is one myth that would only frustrate you. Using weights can in fact help burn fat easier and faster. Using weights increases the metabolic rate due to the process of muscle repair.

Myth: Targetted fat mobilization

This could lead to mascular imbalance and possible injury. Working on a certain area too much like the arms or core and ignoring the back and chest would result to poor muscle mobilization in all areas.

This could result to poor muscle development and recovery.

Myth: Machines only

Do not just limit workouts to machines, but make sure to use free weights as well. Limiting your workouts to machines could result to poor muscle activity and lets you lose more energy without causing an impact on fat and muscle mobilization.

But keeping fit need not take you more than an hour and experts agree that at least 30-minutes of time spent a day for regular cardio training and some simple but effective routines are guaranteed to let you keep a good body frame.


Start putting back that treadmill to good use and plan with it on your next trip to the gym. Do at least 8 to 10 minutes of interval blasts and no more than that.

Start by doing speed intervals, it gives a good cardio at the same time starts letting you burn fat.

Raise the incline once your body adjusts to the each difficulty level.

Work your arms by letting go of the side rails when running. The more you move your arms, the more calories you burn.

Elliptical machine

Make sure to grab the handles when working the machine for a total body workout. Use arm strength to burn calories.

Put the resistance belts to good use when you up the ante on both the arm and leg muscles when you tighten the resistance belts.

Maintain your pace as there is a tendency for you to slow down when the elliptical momentum starts to kick in. Make sure to maintain your pacing between 140 to 160 strides per minute.

Include intervals by alternating your workouts from easy to intense. This will give you a workout momentum that allows you to recover as well in between reps.


This helps you heat up the muscles, start with bodyweight exercises first, as studies shown that body weight routines have been proven to burn more calories than working out with a good set of dumbbells.

Incorporate high intensity interval training, like the Tabata workout to get you burning calories fast.

Work the body to create instability like standing on a leg while doing bicep curls or workout using an exercise ball as more muscles get to work to help you achieve that balance when working out, thus, maximizing the effect.

Do supersets, as these are good combinations which is also key to torching fat that will allow you to work those muscles better and help you burn fat faster.

The post Effective Exercise Is The Key To Torching Fat appeared first on NUTRITION CLUB CANADA.

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