Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Important News For Heart Health: Scientists Implant 3-D Printed Blood Vessels

Publika.MD reports about the successful implantation of 3-D printed blood vessels into monkeys. This venture was spearheaded by Sichuan Revotek, and the Chinese scientists working under the company. They were able to implant the vessels into rhesus monkeys. This was a great outcome: it’s a big step towards mass printing human organs for transplants.

They were the first to maintain the viability of the cells alongside the 3-D printing technology. This was according to James Kang, the chief scientist and CEO of Sichuan Revotek. The experiment was successful because of this one factor: the biological material developed by Sichuan Revotek. This is known as bio-ink and it was derived from the fat tissues of the monkeys. 

Kang’s team replaced a 2-centimeter part of the abdominal artery using the 3-D printed blood vessel in 30 rhesus monkeys.

Scientists Implant 3-D Printed Blood Vessels Into Monkeys

Chinese scientists working for Sichuan Revotek have successfully 3-D printed blood vessels and implanted them in rhesus monkeys, the company said. It is a major step on the road to mass printing human organs for transplants. Read more…

CNN discusses how the process works. These have the ability to grow into any cells within the body and using the monkey’s own stem cells mean the vessels won’t be rejected by the immune system once implanted.

Bio-ink is patented as “Biosynsphere.” It consists of stem cells within a micro-environment of growth factors and nutrients. These can initiate the growth that’s required to form a well-functioning blood vessel.

According to Kang, stem cells acquired from fat tissue are considered a safer process than the usual source – embryos. In just a span of five days after implantation, the cells grew into various types of cells.

Chinese Company Implants 3-D Printed Blood Vessels Into Monkeys

Last year, Sichuan Revotek created the world’s first blood vessel bio-printer, which is said to be able to produce living tissue and organs. The privately owned company is one of a number of tech start-ups in China’s rising innovation hub in the Sichuan capital of Chengdu, offering great hope for the field to progress. Read more…

Stock News USA says that the process is convenient because it simply means the cells won’t get rejected. Moreover, the blood vessels can start functioning because of the nutrients from the stem cells.

After a month, the experiment produced astounding results. The cells started functioning just like the ones that the monkeys already had. The cells’ vascular functions were fully supported as well as its capability to facilitate the transport of nutrients.

A Chinese Company Uses Monkeys For Discovering Cures For Cardiovascular Disease

Sichuan Revotek are the ones that run the research. Until now, they have successfully transplanted the blood vessels. Printing human organs is the next big thing. The Chinese company is “the first to have maintained the viability of the cells with the 3-D printing technology.” Read more…

Bio-ink has a special feature: it develops collagen. It adapts shape and molds in every form. This is a lead in the medical field as it can potentially transform the lives of people, worldwide. With its capacity, coupled with future advancements, there is hope for those who have existing cardiovascular problems. 

The post Important News For Heart Health: Scientists Implant 3-D Printed Blood Vessels appeared first on NUTRITION CLUB CANADA.

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