Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Cardio at the Office: Workouts You Can Easily Perform

Cardio doesn’t only mean running or cycling the entire time. You can get your own dose of a good cardio using this routine from Lauren Williams. Perform this anywhere! That’s the best part! If you don’t have enough time, execute these at work. This is only a 10-minute workout that’ll get you pumping in your office. shares this routine which includes squats, tricep dips and of course, pushups. You think it’s not possible? Check out the full routine below and see for yourself!

A 10-Minute Cardio Workout For the Office

She takes advantage props you’ll find at your office—like your desk chair—to work your entire body like a boss. So go grab your co-workers, a chair, and get your heart rates up with this fun and effective cardio routine. Read more…

How Stuff Works compiled these 10 office exercises that you can execute at work. We know how hectic your schedule is and you think you may not have enough time to do some cardio. Take note that office spaces make it even easier for you to add some pounds to your figure. In this case, try this office-friendly routine to spice up the environment at your work place.

You can make the most out of your hours at the office using these workouts perfectly made for busy and hectic people. You can use some creativity by taking just a few minutes off to learn to do these exercises at work.

10 Office Exercises

For your company’s benefit, squeezing in a little exercise improves concentration and actually makes you more productive. But just in case others aren’t convinced (or you don’t want to be conspicuous), here are some exercises you can do secretly. Read more…

Shape Fit says that people nowadays live a sedentary lifestyle and that could potentially lead to a health hazard. Sitting all day can lower your energy and has a tendency to make you feel heavy. This can even result to weight gain, impaired blood circulation, and posture issues.

It’s essential to include some good form of activity during working hours to stimulate your body and increase energy. Cardio is great for the body as it burns calories and lets your heart pump effectively. It also lowers your risk of cardiovascular diseases and manage your weight.

Cardio Exercises for Your Workplace

An exercise ball enables you to do cardiovascular exercise while still working. This engages your core muscles and improves balance and flexibility versus sitting on a stationary chair. Read more…

Check out this full video from Lauren Williams for a 10-minute office workout:

The post Cardio at the Office: Workouts You Can Easily Perform appeared first on NUTRITION CLUB CANADA.

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