Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Dynamic Warm Ups For Better Performance


warm up for a better workoutThe key to getting the most out of any workout is to make sure you go through that full body warmup in the beginning so you are all ready for the heavy duty exercise that is to follow!

When someone talks about a dynamic warmup, they are talking about a quality series of movements that work together to bring up the body temperature and warm up your system. When you do this, you increase your range of movement, get the positive hormones flowing, and prepare yourself both mentally and physically for the full range of exercise and fitness challenges ahead.

No matter what your workout, it is important to get that early range of motion and joints in order to prepare yourself for both lower and upper body training regimens. Getting the proper warm-up in ahead of time all but guarantees that a person’s overall workout and athletic performance will both increase because of that decision.

Even when you’re not in the middle of a workout or preparing for strength training, warm up for a better workout can help to make sure that you are staying in better overall shape and health even on “off days.”

Introducing The Dynamic Warmup

Step #1: Child’s Pose Breathing

This pose should be kept for a mere 6 breaths. To do this, kneel with your butt resting on your heels, and with your knees and feet together stretch your arms out in front so your stomach ends up on your legs. Inhale deeply through your nose then breathe out completely. That count as one breath. Go for the full six count.

Step #2: The Glute Bridge

After the child’s pose breathing you want to move to the glute bridge. Start of by lying on your back, with your knees bent but your feet remaining flat on the floor. You want to drive your heels into the ground, squeezing your butt muscles as you raise your hips up. Keep your feet flat. Do 8 reps of this for best overall warmup results.

Step #3: The Upper Back Rotation

For this part of the warmup you need to start on all fours. Then place one hand behind your head, and then make sure to bring that elbow down, rotating in towards the other elbow. Rotate that elbow back up towards the ceiling while you turn your head. If done correctly, your belly and back should stay in place, keeping the focus on the upper body. Do eight reps of this – four for each elbow/side.

Step #4: Half-Kneel Adductor Dips

Next will come eight repetitions of the adductor dips for each side.

Starting by getting on your right knee, make sure your left foot is placed about two feet away, with your left foot actually pointing to the left. Dip your body in a lateral movement towards the middle and stretch those inner thighs. 

Step #5: Mobilizing Your Wall Hip Flexors

The next step is another one that requires eight reps for both sides to get the full effect. For this one you start of by kneeling on just one knee, moving your other leg out so it sits at a 90 degree angle compared to the rest of your body.. While in this position you want to start with the arm that is on the side side as your down knee, and pull your heel towards your glutenous muscles in an obvious stretch. From there you want to take your other arm and place your hand on the wall. Doing this will allow you to really stretch.

Step #6: Rocking Ankle Mobilization

Start in a push up position, then rock so your heels come down towards the ground, before bringing them back up. You need to walk your hands back enough to then allow your heels to actually touch the ground. Eight reps is the magic number once again.

Step #7: Back to the Wall Shoulder Flexes

This move will really get the blood flowing. Standing about a foot away from the wall, with your heels closest as opposed to your toes, place your back against the wall and focus on pushing your abs to keep your back against the wall without moving your feet. Lift your arms overhead as you to this for a full stretch.

Step #8: Walking Lunge & Overhead Reach

These you only need to do five reps of. Just do simple walking lunges, but every time your knee comes down make sure to reach over your head with your arms, keeping your back straight. This extra movement makes all the difference in warm up.

Step #9: The Alternating Side Lunge

You only need to do five reps for each leg for these lunges. Take a wide step, but keep both feet firmly on the ground and place your hands out in front of you as your butt goes back and repeat the side lunge motion until both legs have had their work.

Step #10: Inchworm

The final warmup exercise goes back to eight reps. The inchworm exercise stars from your regular pushup position. You start by doing a pushup, then with your hands in a fixed position you take tiny steps with your feet outwards as your legs remain completely locked. Once you can’t take any more side steps, walk your hands out. That is one rep. Don’t cheat: do all eight!T hat’s one rep.

The post Dynamic Warm Ups For Better Performance appeared first on NUTRITION CLUB CANADA.

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