Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Gene May Prove Greying Of Hair Is Genetic

Some embrace it, others dread it. But is there such a thing as a grey hair gene that’s responsible for causing these? In fact science is closing in on a human genome that may be responsible for the greying of hair.

A recent study released by researchers from the University College London has identified one of a possibly diverse genomes linked to greying hair based on the study involving 6000 participants from five Latin-American nations.

Kaustubh Adhikari, the lead author of the study and a research associate in cell and developmental biology, pointed out that the test involved a thorough search involving genomes and hair types of the test participants and have been chosen primarily due to their diverse mix of ethnic backgrounds, like African- Americans for their dark and thick or kinky hair, Native Americans for their straight and long hair and Europeans for their curly hair and fair skin complexion.

Most of the test subjects claimed that they admit facing risks of developing grey hair at an early age, especially after having observed the common phenomena among their older relatives, which led to the hypothesis that greying of the hair may well be genetic.

The gene that they claim to be responsible for this is called IRF4- a gene believed to be playing its role in the cellular process that produces the melanin pigment within the hair follicles. As the hair pigment starts to thin out from the follicles, it no longer provides the adequate amount of melanin in the hair, thus, results to greying.

Adhikari said that this is just the first step in determining the real and actual cause of greying hair, but pointed out that what they discovered is a major breakthrough in the study. He added that there still is a lot more to go before they can break the code and probably get to recommend medication to help men and women relinquish the lustrous black shine to their hair.

Premature greying of hair have baffled scientists for the longest period of time, due to the complex nature of its occurrence in the human body, where some only get to experience having grey hair very late in life, some get to have it at an early age, while some only gat to have only a few swatch of hair growing only in certain areas of the head.

While some studies show that there are rare cases of diseases resulting to the greying of hair, but are not really that many and most are treatable that once medication is administered, the greying hair disappears after a brief period in time.

No studies have ever proven stress to be a primary factor in the greying of hair, although it may play a role together with some conditions experienced by the body.

But aging definitely is a cause of greying hair and no grey hair gene needs to prove that it is so.

The post Gene May Prove Greying Of Hair Is Genetic appeared first on NUTRITION CLUB CANADA.

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