Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Relax And Take It Easy, Stress Can Make You Lose Hair

Ever had one of those days when you were stroking your hair and you notice that you pulled out a handful even without feeling it or just simply fell off? Then you might be going through a stressful phase that could lead you to ask why stress makes your hair fall out.

It’s totally normal for hair to fail at an average of 50 to 90 strands per day, but if it falls by the hundreds, then that is another story.

Book author Kurt Stenn, postulated that the same situation occurs with mice, who loses hair whenever they are exposed to stress when they were subjected to loud noises.

To get a better understanding of the hair’s lifespan, here’s what happens to human hair.

Hair growing on your head and falling out is one of life’s normal processes. Its life cycle follows a pattern of growth, after which it stops, then falls. The growth phase is called anagen, then goes through catagen- a very short period that only lasts for a couple of days- where the hair follicles slightly constricts. The next phase is called telogen where the hair stops growing and finally, exogen that causes the hair to fall off.

Stenn says that similar to mice, the same transition process occurs especially when someone gets to experience stress, which is believed to be the trigger that causes hair to fall out.

Science believes that stress contributes to hair loss, however, they are stil lat a loss as to what triggers the hair to go on the resting phase.

Tests have shown that the effect of stress on the production of hormones and neurotransmitters may cause this, but still under study.

Men are more likely to lose hair than women, since female hormone production does not usually result to hair loss, other than cases where it happens after pregnancy for a brief period of time.

For men, there are several reasons that result to hair loss.

  • Heredity. This is an inherited condition for male-pattern baldness and, rarely, also for women. These are often characterized by a receding hairline as men age and the visible pattern of hair thinning.
  • Hormonal changes.  Hormonal changes as a result of ageing that also lead to hair loss.
  • Scalp infections or skin disorders. These often affect follicles from producing hair as the skin fights off infection. The same goes with other skin disorders that may result from fungal or bacterial infections. These however, are temporary and would generally grow back once treated.

These conditions, albeit indirectly, are causes for stress as well, so in general, you now know why stress makes your hair fall out.

The post Relax And Take It Easy, Stress Can Make You Lose Hair appeared first on NUTRITION CLUB CANADA.

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