Thursday, April 21, 2016

Be Aware: Dont Fall Prey To Diet Myths

You may have heard of a lot old wives tales of just about anything that you on the face of the earth and surely you wouldn’t be surprised if there are utterly ridiculous diet myths that goes around the you are aware of, but do you really know which ones are fact and those that are just nonsense?

1) Soy protein can help stimulate muscle protein synthesis.

This is in fact not true as studies have shown that soy protein, although it is a good source of dietary proteins, has been proven useless in stimulating muscle protein synthesis based on studies conducted that it may not contain the essential amino acids that stimulate muscle building.

2) Liver cleansing is regularly needed.

External intervention like juicing or drinking herbal detoxification  concoctions do not directly impact the liver or kidneys from flushing out harmful toxins that enter the body like pollutants and chemicals.

The body is equipped with a natural detoxification system within the liver, kidney and spleen. Nutrition can help strengthen these organs from processing these detox processes but are not solely responsible for the process itself.

3) Starving cancer to death by cutting off sustenance from sugar.

If this myth was true, then the world would be cancer-free. These are based on claims that cancer feeds on sugar to metastasize.

Studies have shown that cancer does not grow faster when cancer patients consume too much sugar.

4) Eggs are bad for the heart

Although eggs contain significant amounts of cholesterol, it must not be mistaken that the cholesterol in found in eggs is not responsible for elevating cholesterol levels in the blood.

The body functions in a way that once we take in additional cholesterol  from other foods we eat, the body compensates the balance by producing less cholesterol in the body.

But caution should still be taken in consuming foods rich in cholesterol as it can overwork the organs from producing less and eventually affecting the process in the system.

5) Fructose is more dangerous than sugar

Although consumers nowadays feel more empowered to know about food values and nutrition, some still miss out on key information that can help them stay healthy or otherwise.

Such is the case of fructose, particularly high fructose corn syrup that earned its reputation as more harmful to the body than sugar.

Tests, however, showed that fructose is only as bad as our regular table sugar, figuratively speaking with very similar effects on blood levels of triglycerides, glucose, insulin and satiety hormones

The post Be Aware: Don’t Fall Prey To Diet Myths appeared first on NUTRITION CLUB CANADA.

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