Friday, April 1, 2016

Muscle Facts: The Impact of Glutamine

Not a day goes by in which some new supplement is introduced into the market. Whether promoting the growth and repair of your muscles, providing energy, increasing endurance or weight loss there is always something new. One of these such supplements is glutamine which is quite popular in the world of fitness and bodybuilding.

This amino acid is a must have for every athlete being as when combined with a balanced and nutritious diet it is great for building muscle, improving your recovery time and also helps keep your digestive system healthy.

Glutamine is popular among weightlifters, MMA fighters , bodybuilders, endurance athletes as well as fitness buffs and celebrities that use the power of glutamine to build muscle and shorten their recovery time. This is something that can be purchased by those who go to the gym in the form of glutamine supplements, protein powders and recovery formulas all which contain this powerful amino acid.

What is the Importance of Glutamine?

Many studies have shown that there are countless health benefits associated with glutamine and bodybuilding. Regardless of whether you are looking to increase muscle mass, strengthen, become leaner this should be the one supplement you do not go without.

L-glutamine is an actual component of the structural elements of RNA as well as DNA and is key in protein synthesis as well as the regulation of the levels of ammonia in your body. Fifty to sixty percent of your muscle components are made up of this compound and it is also found in your lungs, blood, tissue, liver and even brain.

Finally after two decades we realize that exercise makes our muscles release a large amount of glutamine. Your levels of glutamine storage can drop as much as fifty percent when you work out. If your workouts are intense, if you are fasting or of you have undergone surgery then these levels are literally drained. It is important not to forget the power of glutamine and stock up on it whether it be through your diet or with additional supplements.

You can find this much needed amino acid in milk, nuts and meat but these products and other food proteins only contain less than eight percent glutamine. Your body uses glutamine as food so certain activities can cause your intercellular storage areas to become consumed.

Bodybuilders, athletes or those who live an active life require higher levels of glutamine consumption and must supplement their diet as needed. Studies have shown that muscle glutamine lost during exercise can take up to twenty four hours to get back up to their pre-workout levels.

Due to intense exercise and over training many athletes have lower levels of glutamine in their body. Higher levels of training as well as intensity on combination with low levels of glutamine can have a negative effect on your immune system. A weak immune system can lead to infections as well as diseases so the right amount of intake is crucial to maintaining a strong well working immune system, proper digestion as well as muscle repair.

Researchers over the last few years have realized that the immune systems of athletes and bodybuilders are quite weak. Research has shown that in order for the immune system to be strong it is necessary that it has plenty of glutamine being as it consumes it in large amounts. If you are not consuming enough amino acids then your risk of acquiring diseases is increased you are also prone to muscle loss and decreased strength.

The Power of Glutamine and Its Benefits to Your Health

  • Protected immune system
  • Contribution of protein synthesis
  • Stimulation of glycogen formation
  • Sparing of heavy chain myosin proteins
  • Increases the levels of hormone growth
  • Has strong anti-catabolic effects
  • Helps in the digestive process
  • Better physical performance
  • Increases the speed in which muscles recover
  • Aids in the building of lean muscle

The power of glutamine is not only beneficial to your muscular system as well as the function of your immune system but it is also highly recommended for those struggling with colitis, stomach ulcers, gastritis, irritable bowel syndrome and any other illnesses which can cause the muscles to waste. It is also a great regulator of acid-bases and gluconeogenesis.

Leukocytes use this amino acid at high rates in order to help stimulate the growth of new cells. The levels of glutamine i your muscles directly impact the rate of glycogen and protein synthesis so it is obvious that this compound has quite an effect on your entire body. By adding I-glutamine to your diet you will not only strengthen your immune system but also help better your recovery time after working out.

How Much Glutamine is Needed?

Glutamine is a crucial supplement for bodybuilders and athletes and the amount of daily intake varies between five to twenty grams depending on your level of activity. This dosage can be increased or decreased as needed and taken at key points throughout the day, Some people prefer to take it before exercising others after and some right before bed.

There is a difference between glutamine and glutamic acid, gluten, glutamate, monosodium glutamate or glutathione. You can find this popular amnio in either a pill or powder form and although cycling glutamine is unnecessary it should be a supplement you continue to consume so as to keep the storage areas of your body stocked full. Do not forget the importance of the power of glutamine in your life.

The post Muscle Facts: The Impact of Glutamine appeared first on NUTRITION CLUB CANADA.

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