Thursday, May 5, 2016

Shadowboxing Drills For Better Health

The act of shadowboxing is when someone, particularly a boxer, moves and punches around as if fighting an imaginary opponent. It may look like crazy, but shadowboxing is in fact a very effective exercise for boxers and fighters as they hone their boxing skills to improve skill, power, coordination and agility.

Speed is also a key factor that helps you stretch your muscles as you jab and do your speed footwork during the shadowboxing exercise. It is a good cardiovascular workout that makes you use your own bodyweight to punch and move around, as well as your muscles also exerting effort and put strength into it as you maintain your balance.

Another good thing about shadowboxing is that you do not need to have any type of boxing training equipment like a punching bag or a speed ball, and also allows you to move free style to help you target the muscle groups that you would like to work on.

Among the key points you need to understand when shadowboxing is know that you not underestimate the effects of it on your health and allow it to work for you and not just something that lets you show off to others at the gym.

As a warm up exercise, this is a good activity. Make sure you move around and use your legs and shake your limbs. Throw as may punches and jabs as you can but make sure to relax your shoulders. If you feel you need to catch your breath, pause for a while then resume your warm up to keep you moving.

It also helps develop your technique. Using the right amount of angling can be gained when shadowboxing as it helps you project your movement. For boxers, it can also help them develop their combination punches and allows them to develop their fight strategy and at the same time getting a feel for the movement that they can be most comfortable with.

Shadowboxing also helps in developing coordination in your movements, which boxers find crucial to develop their body to support the movement and angles they want to achieve when delivering their punches. An uppercut may require the body to twist to deliver the force needed as well as maintaining balance.

So start developing your shadowboxing skills and box your way towards better health.

The post Shadowboxing Drills For Better Health appeared first on NUTRITION CLUB CANADA.

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