Friday, May 6, 2016

Virtual Reality Can Help Reduce Paranoia

Oxford University researchers, funded by the Medical Research Council, have performed a study using virtual reality to help 30 patients who suffered persecutory delusions feel safer in social situations.

The study, led by Professor Daniel Freeman, a clinical psychologist at Oxford University’s Department of Psychiatry, was built around a computer-generated Underground train compartment and an elevator. Because people who suffer from persecutory delusions falsely believe others will try to harm them, situations such as being on a train or an elevator are exactly the kind of environment they would normally try to avoid.

The participants were divided into two groups: One which was asked to carry out their normal behaviour, such as avoiding eye contact or being otherwise defensive, and one which was encouraged to lower those defences to try and approach the virtual reality characters. People in this second group were asked to stand toe-to-toe with the computer avatars, look at them face-to-face, and perform other benign actions which normally would be very difficult for a person suffering from persecutory delusions.

The results were positive for both groups, though more-so for the second group. The first group, who used their defences, did see some reduction in the level of severe paranoia, though not to the same degree as the second group. The second group, on the other hand, showed that being able to fully test out their fears in the safe environment of virtual reality had remarkable results. At the end of the testing day, more than half were relaxed and no longer severely paranoid.

Being able to address their fears in virtual reality seemed to have a profound impact for the majority of participants, especially members of the second group. Something in the act of going up to the computer avatars and having a feeling of safety — the realization that nobody was going to hurt them — transferred into real life and has helped these people take huge steps towards healing.

“At the heart of paranoia is the unfounded belief that people are under threat,” said Professor Freeman. “With virtual reality we can help the person to re-learn that they are safe, and when they do that, the paranoia melts away.”

45-year-old Toby Brabham is one such person who is now being successfully treated thanks to the virtual reality system. He was diagnosed with schizophrenia over 20 years ago and has been living with severe paranoia. “I used to experience persecutory voices,” he said. “They would be having a go at me. I would avoid going out and when I did it was with my head down so I avoided eye contact. It was very isolating.”

Toby agreed to test out the virtual reality system for the BBC, and he now says, “If I go on a Tube train or lift now I will certainly remember the virtual reality experience and I think it will be helpful in reducing any feelings of anxiety that I may have.”

The Oxford team estimates approximately 1-2% of the population will be afflicted by severe paranoia at some point in their lives. Generally, this is due to an underlying mental health disorder such as schizophrenia. The delusions suffered by patients with severe paranoia can result in such a strong sense of mistrust that they avoid contact with people entirely. They may rarely leave their homes, and going out into public might feel like living a nightmare.

Though the study was small, and the patients were only afforded one half-hour session with no follow-up, Professor Freeman feels the results were “exceptionally good”.

Brian Dow, at the charity Rethink Mental Illness, praised the study: “It’s exciting to see cutting-edge technology used innovatively to treat what can be an extremely frightening and disruptive symptom for some people experiencing mental illness. “

Head of neurosciences and mental health at the Medical Research Council, Dr. Kathryn Adcock, agrees. She says, “Virtual reality is proving extremely effective in the assessment and treatment of mental health problems. This study shows the potential of its application to a major psychiatric problem.

Freeman also feels that this signals a positive change on the horizon. “I think this a glimpse into the future of mental healthcare. There is a revolution underway in virtual reality with many headsets becoming available. As these become more affordable we will see them used not just in clinical settings, but in people’s homes.”

One can only hope he is correct, and that the advances in virtual reality continue to touch lives in positive ways.

Image Credit: Patients were encouraged to get into this virtual lift – Oxford University

The post Virtual Reality Can Help Reduce Paranoia appeared first on NUTRITION CLUB CANADA.

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