Friday, October 7, 2016

Coffee Drinkers Rejoice: Caffeine May Protect Women From Dementia

One study shows results that elderly women who consume coffee regularly lower their risk of getting dementia. Well, this is the case if you consume about three regular cups of coffee. You can get a similar amount from five cups of black tea or eight cans of Coke.

IFLScience says there are other studies that support the benefits especially those that were conducted on mice – it helped them from developing Alzheimer’s. For humans though, not enough research has been done concerning the neuroprotective properties of caffeine

Caffeine May Protect Older Women From Dementia

Reporting their work in the Journals of Gerontology Series A, the study authors explain how they recruited just under 6,500 postmenopausal women aged 65 and older to complete a questionnaire regarding the amount of caffeine-containing drinks – such as coffee, tea, and cola – they consume each day. Read more…

Psychcentral reports that Ira Driscoll, Ph.D., the study’s lead author says that caffeine has protective factors against cognitive problems. It is something that is easily incorporated into the individual’s diet with only few contraindications.

The findings came from Women’s Health Initiative Memory Study participants. They checked the consumption intake, frequency and serving size with questions about coffee, tea, and cola beverages.

Caffeine May Protect Women from Dementia

Driscoll and her research colleagues used data from 6,467 community-dwelling, postmenopausal women aged 65 and older who reported some level of caffeine consumption. Read more…

Sputnik News states that the research team monitored the participants. They reported their intake for ten years. The results were astounding. Those who took at least 261 milligrams of caffeine were less likely to develop the condition. Their risk dropped by 36 percent.

This is a significant improvement as caffeine and dementia has been examined so many times. 

Drinking to Remember: Your Coffee Habit May Protect Against Dementia

Coffee drinkers, take comfort: your beverage of choice may be helping your brain, according to evidence from a new study in the Journals of Gerontology…

Results were adjusted to take into account factors like hormone therapy, age, race, education, body mass index, sleep quality, depression, hypertension, prior cardiovascular disease, diabetes, smoking and alcohol consumption. Read more…

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