Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Build Your Pecs Fast with These Powerful Exercises

There’s nothing sadder for a guy than weeks of work at the gym only to realize that after all that work his pectorals are just too pathetic to be proud of. Men love to have the type of high power pecs that they can then show off. The key is to embrace a workout that provides the perfect amount of lift so you can take pride in your appearance and enjoy the beach the way it was meant to be enjoyed: with your shirt left in your beach bag where it belongs.

If you want great pecs fast you need to accept one thing right off the bat: sometimes balance is overrated.

Sure balance can be good, but when June rolls around and it’s time to enjoy shirt optional weather on the beach, you don’t want balance. You want a really good looking chest. At that point you can go through all your exercises and just keep preaching balance and maybe next year, or the year after (or the year after that) you’ll have a beach body that you are happy with. You could do that.

Or you can get the show-off muscles that get all the attention and play favourites by hammering out those awesome chest muscles – getting the pecs everyone pays attention to. This chest workout holds the key – and you only have to do it one time every four days! The workout gives your pecs the highest level of stimulation, then the rest you need to really encourage growth.

While these exercises might start out slowly, you will need a spotter because as you “pyramid up” with each set, you will want to push to get to as much weight as you can handle.

Step 1: The Incline Dumbbell Press

The key in starting is to not go all-out here, but just use these exercises as an important warm-up. That means going with high reps using light weight. You don’t stay at one weight but you want to move up in 5-pound increments with each set as you prepare to change up the exercises by moving from using dumbbells to using a barbell.

Eventually, with your spotter there to cover, you work towards the end with near-maximum weight when lifting for three reps on the final set. This is for both incline presses and flat presses. This working up towards heavy weight and a strong challenge will help you max out which helps encourage major muscle growth.

Step 2: Wind Down Using Flat Dumbbell Presses

The wind down takes place, but this time you start with a heavier weight and pyramid in the opposite direction by shedding weight set by set.

Step 3: User’s Choice

Next, you have a choice: use the fly machine or cable crossovers. You can choose one or rotate between them from one workout to another but they key here is to do reps slowly to emphasis resistance. The final two sets go very slowly, even five seconds per portion of a rep as long as you still have solid control.

Step 4: Finishing Strong

Your finishing workout is all about the body weight. The superset starts with a chest dip and ends with your standard push-up. You need to rep out, going until you no longer have good form at which point stop and take a well deserved rest.

This is your Monday and Thursday workout, and for a month or two take it easy on your other body parts. You can still work out, but don’t push the other muscle groups. This imbalance helps grow the chest.

Finally, make sure to rest appropriately. 90 seconds or less on most sets, but 3-4 minutes between flat barbell presses versus incline presses.

The post Build Your Pecs Fast with These Powerful Exercises appeared first on NUTRITIONCLUB.

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