Thursday, February 4, 2016

Your Highly Effective Shredded Ab Workout Plan

Have you ignored your midsection recently? This shredded ab workout plan, which has been designed by an Olympic gold medalist, can be added onto any workout and will help you get results quickly and relieve you of your guilt.

You are headed for the locker room when all of a sudden you are stopped in your tracks by a nagging sensation: you really should be doing something for your frequently neglected and shabby abdominals. You shrug your shoulders, head for the mats, perform a couple of halfhearted crunch sets, and then throw in the towel. You feel a little more satisfied now that you have done something. Sure it’s better to do a couple of crunches instead of nothing. However, wouldn’t you prefer to have a more satisfying and effective solution? And from an Olympic gold medalist to boot?

Enter the world-record-holding high jumper Charles Austin who earned his gold medal in Atlanta at the 1996 Summer Olympics and is a certified fitness trainer now and owns So High Sports and Fitness located in San Marcos, Texas.

The Total Body Board was recently launched by Austin. He devised this dynamic core routine that is ideal for the final part of any workout, after your muscles are fully warmed up and prepared for action. This shredded ab workout plan is comprised of five exercises performed with three sets each. The following will show you how to do them correctly:

Crunch Low Reach

Lie down on your back with your head touching the floor, and your legs up in the air with your knees bent in a 90-degree angle. Place your hands at the sides of your thighs. Lift your upper body while you are reaching forward. Touch the floor at knee level. Go back into the starting position and then repeat.

Crunch Low Reach With Twist

Take the same starting position that you do on the crunch low reach, but extend your arms over your head instead on the floor. Lift your torso up, an as you are coming up, rotate your body over to one side. Use both hands to touch the floor on that side, near knee level. Lower yourself back down to your starting position and then repeat by rotating to the opposite side. One rep is performing the exercise once on each side.

Double-Leg Eagle

Lie down on your back and put your legs out straight. You body should be touching the floor, all the way from your heels to your head. Your arms should be straight out from the sides of your body. Raise your legs approximately 5 inches form the floor. Your feet should be kept together as you are tapping your heels to the right side of your body on the floor. Raise your legs once again and this time tap your heels towards the center. Then lift them once again and tap on the right side. This sequence should be repeated, with your tapping to the center in between the left and right taps. One rep is tapping one time to all three positions and then back into the center. Austin suggests that if you are feeling a strain on your lower back, to perform the movement you can bend your knees instead.


Take a lateral plank position. You feet should be raised on a platform, chair or bench and your lower elbow should be resting on the floor. Hold your body in alignment from your heels to your head. Lower your hip down the floor as low as you comfortably can before raising yourself back up into the starting position. Perform 10-15 reps on one side of your body, and then compete the set by switching over to the other side.

Spinal Unwind Leg Lift

Lid down on your back and have your head on the floor. Your legs should be held out straight with your heels down and feet together. Your arms should be out to the sides. Keep your legs straight and feet together, and then raise them up to a 90-degree angle from your torso. Next bend your knees before lowering your legs back into the starting position.

The post Your Highly Effective Shredded Ab Workout Plan appeared first on NUTRITIONCLUB.

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