Monday, February 8, 2016

The Absolute Best Workout to Shred Your Abdominals

There has been a large debate over the years over which is better for your ab workout – a higher load or more reps? Here is the answer you have been looking for: You need both of them! By choosing to add heavy training to your workout, you are not only beefing your abs but every part of your body. However, this type of heavy lifting can cause much back pain from weighted crunches and other abdominal exercises. So is there a solution? The best thing you can try is kneeling cable crunches, this enables you to train your abdominals with strong resistance without the harm to your lower back. It is best to start this at the beginning of your routine to help you avoid any injury.

How To Start This Workout

Begin by attaching a rope handle to the top pulley of your cable station and hold an end in each hand. Kneel down so that you are facing the stack and your knees are bent at 90 degrees. With your arms stretched overhead, you will begin to feel tension on the cable and an incredible stretch in your abdominals. Slowly begin to press your chest in toward your hips and pull out with your arms so that your head is snug between the knees and the abdominals are fully contracted.

The Best Ab Workout

The Kneeling Cable

Sets: 4 Repetitions of 8-12

The Lying Bent-Knee Raise

Sets: 4 Repetitions of 12-15

Lay down with your back in a comfortable position and bend the hips and knees at a 90 degree angle. Bring your hips off of the floor and in toward your chest.

Side Plank

Repetitions: Hold each side for a total of 90 seconds

Start by resting on your left arm and the outside of the left foot with your hips off the floor. Your body needs to be straight. Try to do as many sets as possible by reaching 90 seconds.

The Featured Workout

Best Tip: Keeping the hips down so they are not bouncing into each repetition. The tension must be felt and kept in the abs.

The post The Absolute Best Workout to Shred Your Abdominals appeared first on NUTRITIONCLUB.

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