Monday, February 8, 2016

Why You Should Eat The Egg Yolk Like Rocky Balboa

Believe it or not, fifty years ago, everyone was eating egg yolks and not getting fat. However, today people avoid the yolk and are getting larger every single day. Can you imagine if Rocky just drank egg white shakes and tossed the yolk down the drain? I think it would be safe to assume we never would have seen Rocky again!

We have to be honest here, do you really think an egg white omelets tastes as good as the yolk-filled ones? Tossing those beautiful yellow yolks is a waste. It is like eating a cake with no icing! What makes the egg white worse, is that people are adding so much to it to make it taste better. You are removing the yolk only to replace it with fatty cheese or worse! The past few decades has seen the egg yolk vilified as being the main cause of too much cholesterol in the body. We cannot forget though that is contains almost all the vitamins and minerals and almost half of all protein.

Over the years, people have just assumed that eating egg yolk helps to increase the level of serum cholesterol in the body and raise the risk of arteriosclerosis. It is true that egg yolks contain cholesterol, they do not have a high predisposition for higher cholesterol levels. So you can rest easy and actually enjoy eating an egg yolk every day if you please. There was actually an intensive study about the effects of eggs on cholesterol conducted by the University of Connecticut These studies proved that when individuals eat between three to four eggs a day there was no change to their cholesterol level. It is actually the sides that people enjoy with their eggs that add the trans and saturated fats into the diet. These include the ham, bacon, and sausage. Yep, all the good parts of the breakfast! While the yolk contains a good portion of protein it also includes riboflavin, folate, and vitamins B12 and D. These vitamins and minerals all help to lower an individual’s risk of developing arteriosclerosis.

You may have even read that eating an egg yolk a day is as bad as smoking. Is that even possible? How many people have you meet that have eaten too many eggs and need to live with the help of an iron lung? Or enjoyed their egg omelets too much and developed throat polyps? Did you know any pregnant women who gave birth to a baby with birth defects because they ate far too many scrambled eggs during their pregnancy? I think it is safe to assume you knew of none. So eat all the eggs you like, just cut out the bacon and cheese! Enjoy your breakfast know that you know why you should eat the egg yolk!

The post Why You Should Eat The Egg Yolk Like Rocky Balboa appeared first on NUTRITIONCLUB.

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