Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Tricks and Tips to Finish an Ultramarathon

If you’ve been on a marathon before, you should definitely try the ultramarathon. It’s a running race that goes beyond the normal race distance of 42 kilometers. It’s not as easy as training for the marathon but experiencing this challenge will give you the satisfaction.

So if you’re ready to put yourself out there, Competitor’s Duncan Larkin compiled workouts and tips from three expert ultra-marathoner:

Three Key Workouts For Ultramarathoners

Typically, training for a grueling ultramarathon event (race distances longer than 26.2 miles) is as simple as running as much as you can during your busy week. For most ultra enthusiasts, just getting the maximum “time on the feet” is sufficient to strengthen tendons and ligaments in the legs and toughen up the feet for the ultimate test come race day. Read more…

Here are more tips and tricks from American ultramarathon runner Dean Karnazes, written by Chris Giblin on Men’s Fitness:


Dean Karnazes is simply unstoppable. He has run across Death Valley in 120-degree heat and completed a marathon to the South Pole in 40-degree below zero temperatures. He ran 50 marathons in 50 days in all 50 states, as well as 3,000 miles across the country—averaging 40 to 50 miles per day. Daunting as some of these feats may be, they are only a few examples of his exploits. Read more…

One important point from Dean Karnazes is to “take baby steps.” Your first ultra race may not be as successful as what you plan in your head. Don’t get discouraged, though. It may fail, but it should serve as a lesson to remember for the next one.

Finally, ultramarathon runner and coach Krissy Moehl shares 10 more tips to survive an ultramarathon on Mind Body Green:

10 Tips To Finish An Ultramarathon — From A Champion Racer

Running a trail spanning anywhere from 30 to 100 miles used to be reserved for a small group of super athletes, but now ultra-running is a fast-growing extreme sport in America. Since starting my ultramarathon career 15 years ago, I’ve competed in more than 100 races, with 55 female first-place finishes. Read more…

In conclusion, you have to work out and train as much as you can. Make sure that you watch your diet, and get enough of the nutrients that you will need to fuel your body. You can also try out different nutrition plans during your training so you’ll know what will work best for the actual race.

Your gear is also important, so double-check everything before you start.

Remember that it doesn’t matter if you win or lose. What matters is that you actually complete what you’ve started. So use these tips to finish an ultramarathon successfully!

The post Tricks and Tips to Finish an Ultramarathon appeared first on NUTRITIONCLUB.

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