Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Drinking More Water Can Boost Your Short Term Memory

Our short term memory is important in holding our day-to-day information. Having a low short term memory can affect your day’s productivity, especially for students who are loaded with lots of information every day. This is exactly why it is important to keep your brain health in check.

There are supplements available that can help you with your memory problems, but they can be costly. Fortunately, there are ways to boost your short term memory without the help of such supplements.

First, read all about memory loss, and its causes, in this article on the Suburban:

Age-related memory loss

The memory! How not to be amazed by the vast amount of information brain stores during one’s lifetime! The brain! Although it represents only 2% of body weight, it uses 25% of the oxygen consumed, 20% of energy expenditure and a sixth on the heart alone. Read more…

As you’ve read, your diet, medications and illness may disrupt memory loss. The article also mentioned how water consumption plays a role in concentration and memory.

While there are supplements that can help you avoid age-related memory loss, studies show that you can boost your mental health naturally just by simply drinking more water. Here’s an interesting study on how water can boost your short term memory by Leslie Beck at The Globe and Mail:

How drinking more water may boost your short-term memory

You’ve probably heard that the right diet can stave off memory loss. Eating a combination of brain-friendly foods such as leafy greens, berries, fish, nuts and olive oil is thought to delay age-related thinking problems and guard against Alzheimer’s disease. Read more…

Finally, here’s another interesting article by the Cleveland Clinic News Service on AJC, on how drinking enough water can not only boost your short term memory, but also help you lose weight:

Is drinking water the key to a lower weight?

We’ve all heard about the benefits of staying well hydrated, but a recent study is suggesting that folks who don’t drink enough water might have a higher Body Mass Index, or BMI. Read more…

See? The benefits do not stop there. Drinking more water will boost your short term memory, and will also help boost your metabolism and keep you hydrated. For those of you who want to lose weight, always choose water over flavoured drinks like soda or unhealthy juice drinks.

For best results, you may also want to transition into a healthier diet. Eating more fruits and vegetables will always be good for you as they contain antioxidants that are known to fight off diseases. Lentils, avocado, spinach and nuts are some of the plant foods that are packed with omega 3 fatty acids, which is a nutrient that helps boost your brain health.

The post Drinking More Water Can Boost Your Short Term Memory appeared first on NUTRITION CLUB CANADA.

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