Thursday, November 17, 2016

Garlic Makes Men Smell More Attractive, Study Says

Adam Boult from The Telegraph reports about a new study which involves garlic and women’s attraction to men. Confused enough? Let’s find out what happened.

It looks like an increase in your consumption of this ingredient isn’t going to hurt your points with the ladies. Why, you ask? A new study backs it up. You don’t even need pricey perfumes to impress your date.

Eating lots of garlic makes men ‘smell more attractive to women

Men: want more success with the ladies? Think your body odour could do with a bit of care and attention? Read more…

Yes, indeed it’s some weird news. This common kitchen ingredient appears to be a God-send. Joshua Barrie says that if you got garlic available as an aftershave scent, you probably won’t buy it. We like it in our pasta and bread, but that does not include people’s smell. Also, that breath is a huge turn off.

You might wonder but this scientific study shows results that eating it is great especially if you want to attract women. It does something to men’s body odor that makes it appealing to women. 

This common ingredient makes men smell much more attractive to women – but only if you eat enough of it

A Hansanugrum & Barringer study, first published in Appetite last year, gave participants varying amounts of garlic to eat over the course of a week – and ‘odour’ pads to wear during the course of the experiment. Read more…

Jack Moore from GQ shares his thoughts about this recent discovery. The researchers conducted the study by splitting the group of men into different groups who were instructed to eat garlic. These men were asked to wear armpit pads for a 12-hour duration to collect their musk.

These pads were gathered and a group of women smelled them. They also rated how good they smelled. The results were astounding because the garlic eaters got the highest points from the women. They were tagged as “more attractive and less intense.”

Study Finds Eating Garlic Can Make You Smell Better to Women

You know that thing where you’re out to dinner with your significant other and you order some garlicky food and you make that dad joke to both the annoyed waiter and your annoyed partner about how it looks like you won’t be kissing later? Well, now you have even more reasons to never make that joke again! Read more…

 The strong smell of it may be repulsive to some but let’s take these facts into consideration, shall we? Let’s just hope that women can tolerate garlic breath. Or better yet, just bring along some breath mints on your dates.

The post Garlic Makes Men Smell More Attractive, Study Says appeared first on NUTRITION CLUB CANADA.

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