Friday, November 4, 2016

How To Keep Normal Sleep Patterns After DST Ends

Gillian Mohney from ABC News reports that the end of DST has the possibility of affecting people’s health. The extra hour may be beneficial, but it may subject the body to stress because of the disruption of normal sleeping patterns. This in turn puts strain in the body, especially those who are sensitive to these kinds of changes.

Dr. Samuel Friedlander, assistant clinical professor of Sleep Medicine and Allergy Immunology at UH Cleveland Medical Center, explains that the change in the schedule can definitely make a mess in your internal body clock. This is what we also call “circadian rhythm.”

How the End of Daylight Saving Time Can Affect Health

The change in schedule can throw off the body’s internal clock, or circadian rhythm, Dr. Samuel Friedlander, assistant clinical professor of Sleep Medicine and Allergy Immunology at UH Cleveland Medical Center, said. Read more…

Real Simple says that you don’t have to let the time change dictate your body. You can definitely find ways to combat the effects.

While it might seem like a good idea that you get an extra hour, it can still affect our health. Experts suggest tips how to make your body stress-free during this time change. It includes sticking to a sleeping routine: no unnecessary naps in the middle of the day, waking up at the same time, and making your weekend and weekday schedules similar.

How Daylight Saving Time Affects Your Health

While there’s no denying that the extra hour of sleep this weekend has the potential to boost your energy and your mood, though, your body will probably adjust quickly to the time difference. Gehrman compares it to a mild jetlag, but one that only takes 24 hours to overcome. Read more…

SRJ News reports that you have the advantage if you practice a good sleep schedule before the time changes.

A lot of people are now sleep deprived so this sudden event might make it worse for others. Friedlander said that this raises the risk of people developing SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder), a kind of disorder in the form of depression which is common during the winter months.

Daylight Saving Time End Could Lead To Health Hazard: Study

He added if a person gets on a good sleep schedule ahead of the change in time, one can stay unaffected in terms of health hazards. Read more…

The bottom line is, the better sleeping habits you have, the more chances that you won’t be greatly affected by the time change. 

The post How To Keep Normal Sleep Patterns After DST Ends appeared first on NUTRITION CLUB CANADA.

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