Monday, January 4, 2016

Carb Secrets for Gaining Mass

Carbohydrates used to be the enemy, but lately, a lot of people are discovering how they are actually diet-friendly. Contrary to the belief that they cause weight gain, they actually help in weight loss, because they curb your appetite, and make you feel full for longer.

But not all carbs are created equal, so there are certain things that you need to consider. Here are some basic facts and carb secrets for gaining mass, discussed by certified strength and conditioning coach Tom Kelso on Breaking Muscle:

Carbohydrates 101: The Good, Bad, and Ugly

Tons of discussion and controversy exist regarding that loathed or loved macronutrient, the poor carbohydrate (a.k.a. “carb”): Read more…

So basically, the good carbs come from plant foods, while the bad carbs come from processed foods. Moving on, here are another set of secrets debunked, on Flex:

7 Carb Secrets for Success

With all the hype floating around the Internet and the banter flooding TV talk shows about the wonders of high-protein diets, you might think carbs are useless except for producing fat. You might also think that if you consume carbohydrates, they will undermine your attempts at building a better physique. – See more at: Read more…

Lastly, certified holistic nutritionist Heather McClees shares the top carbohydrate-rich foods that you should load up with, on One Green Planet:

Carb up! Here Are The Healthiest Carbs You SHOULD Be Eating

Growing up, I always knew that fruits and vegetables were good for me, but I rarely ate many of them. Being southern, the only fruits and vegetables I ate were corn, peas, white potatoes, and canned peaches. Sad, right? As I entered into my teens and ventured into the dangerous world of extreme diets, I started restricting how many carbs I ate from all foods – including fruits and vegetables. Luckily, my love for plant-based nutrition quickly got me out of that negative mindset, yet I still meet many men and women who actually fear eating a banana, a baked sweet potato, or a ripe, juicy pear when they’re watching carbs or calories. Read more…

Hopefully, these carb secrets for gaining mass will make you change your mind about the way you see this healthy nutrient. They’re not the enemy!

Aside from the fact that it aids in weight loss, it also helps boost your energy, metabolism, and brain health. Just be sure that you eat the right ones, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans and oats. The processed ones like candies, soda, and some protein bars may contain a good amount of carbs, but they also come with bad fats, refined sugar, and other added ingredients.

The post Carb Secrets for Gaining Mass appeared first on NUTRITIONCLUB.

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