Friday, January 22, 2016

Cutting Meat Out Your Diet: What to Expect and Prepare for

There are said to be around 375 million vegetarians in the world, and they have varying reasons for the lifestyle. Some do it for health reasons, while others follow edicts from their religions. Regardless of the motivations, however, cutting meat out of your diet brings about the same results in everyone.

How cutting meat out of your diet changes your body

Vowing to ditch steaks and burgers in favour of a vegetarian lifestyle may have crossed your mind for ethical reasons or because of concerns about red meat and health.

So, what actually happens to your body when you stop eating meat? Read More…

Clearly, there are drawbacks to cutting meat out of your diet – and then there are rewards. If you are thinking about switching to a mostly plant-based diet, there are several factors that you should consider including:

Your reason. Whether you are thinking of cutting meat out of your diet because you believe that fish are friends or you want to shed off some serious pounds, your motivation will keep you going. Vegetarianism is not easy, as it will typically strip you off most of the things that you have to grown to love and have. Staying true to what made you decide to take the leap will greatly help you stay on course.

Your resources. Living meat-free means you may have to revamp your usual weekly shopping routine; some shops, after all, offer more options for the veg diet than others. Yes, this may mean shelling out a few more bucks. Some alternatives to meat, for instance, cost a pretty penny. Prepare your resources so that you can transition into the lifestyle well.

Nutritional support. Finally, there are bound to be nutrients you will skip out on if you remove meat from your plate. There are ways, fortunately, by which you can circumnavigate the issue. Talk to your doctor about supplements that you can take daily, or consult a nutritionist so you can plan your diet properly.

Lastly, get ready to have fun. Going vegetarian may be tough, but it has reportedly found people happier and less stressed.

Image Credit: How cutting meat out of your diet changes your body – Independent 

The post Cutting Meat Out Your Diet: What to Expect and Prepare for appeared first on NUTRITIONCLUB.

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