Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Teenage Workout Routine

Young or old, exercise is very important in our daily lives. But of course, it’s way better if you start during your early years.

Exercise has so many benefits. Playing team sports like football, baseball or soccer, or as simple as walking to your school or on your way home, can help strengthen your bones, tone your muscles, improve your skin, and boost your mood and brainpower. Increasing your physical activity can also reduce your risk of diseases, including heart disease and cancer, later in life.

More benefits of a teenage workout routine is discussed on Slice of Health:


Teenagers lead tremendously packed lives, as they divide their time between school, tuitions, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. Given the limited time they have on hand to attend to their fitness needs, teenagers are more susceptible to obesity and weight gain owing to long hours of being hunched over school work and getting less activity. Read more…

Convinced yet? Aside from walking, running, or playing sports, here are more exercises you can do at home, just before or after you do your homework, on Shreddy Brek:

Workouts For Teenagers – Home Workout Routines With No Equipment

Workouts for teenagers are a common search topic when a teenage girl or teenage guy wants to get into shape, build some muscle or lose from fat. This home workout for teenagers is a great introductory teenage workout plan to start gaining muscle and gaining strength. Whilst you wont become the worlds strongest teenager following this routine, this workout for teenagers has many great exercises for teenagers to get your body used to working out, and make some “noobie gains”. Best of all you can do it at home – for free! Read more…

If you want to take your workouts to the next level, here’s our dear Arnold Schwarzenegger’s own workout routine, discussed by training director Sean Hyson, on Muscle and Fitness:


Early in Arnold Schwarzenegger’s career, he competed in weightlifting contests to prove that bodybuilders’ muscles aren’t just for show. This routine, which Arnold followed in the mid-’60s, combines conventional bodybuilding training with Olympic weightlifting exercises that build brute strength. He rested as long as needed—sometimes up to five minutes—between sets of heavy exercises. Read more…

Make sure you exercise at least an hour a day. You can also add basic stretches, aerobics, dancing, yoga, biking, swimming and jogging to your teenage workout routine.

Additionally, you may also want to start eating a healthy, balanced diet to maximize the benefits, as well as stay away from processed foods at your school cafeteria. Don’t forget to bring water every time you work out to avoid dehydration!

The post Teenage Workout Routine appeared first on NUTRITIONCLUB.

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