Friday, December 11, 2015

Nutrition Dont’s to Lose Fat

It’s a no brainer that a quality time in the gym is needed to get that hourglass body you want, but you actually need more work than that. As they say, everything starts in the kitchen.

Diets are often overlooked when it comes to planning the weight loss routine, when in fact it’s the most important factor. Food is what will fuel you, and at the same time, will assist you in torching all the unwanted fat stuck in your body.

To start, here are the top nutrition donts to lose fat, as discussed on Flex:

Six Deadly Diet Sins

Eating fewer calories than you need each day creates an energy deficit causing fat loss. However, severe cuts can lead to a slowing of the metabolic rate, ultimately making it difficult to rip up. Read more…

An important thing mentioned above is that you don’t need to cut calories, or fear carbs, or eat too much protein. You just need to consume these nutrients in moderation. We just want to highlight that because the majority of you thinks cutting calories and carbs, or eating too much protein is the way.

In addition to that, strength coach and powerlifter Luke Briggs shares the top four mistakes you probably don’t even notice on Dr. John Rusin’s blog:

4 Diet Derailing Fat-Loss Mistakes You Don’t Even Know You’re Making

Fat-loss is at the top of nearly everyone’s health and fitness goals. Depending on how much fat you have to lose, this process can be highly confusing, as many once thought gold standard fat-loss methods actually contradict each other. Read more…

And lastly, nutritionist and coach Alex Carneiro points out five things we think will help us lose weight, when in fact they lead to more. More information is discussed on Fitness RX For Men:

5 Dieting Mistakes That Lead To More Fat

Losing weight is already a hard and challenging task for so many people around the world, it takes dedication, time and consistency on anyone to reach their desired goals. With so much information out there coming from magazines, videos and particularly marketing fads we can easily get lost on what are efficient ways of losing that unwanted bodyfat and weight, even worst what if you believe that you are actually doing your body good but in reality you are just sabotaging your own results without knowing it? It happens! Many believe that their goals are one step closer every day but once they look in the mirror or check the scale nothing has changed, in fact, even worst they’ve actually gained more bodyfat and weight. So how’s that even possible? Read more…

It’s important to remember these nutrition dont’s to lose fat fast. A lot of people forget what’s right or wrong when things are going the way they planned it, and they’ll end up overdoing them. For example, you reduced your calorie intake, and you lose a few pounds, then you reduced it again. This will only do more harm than good in the long run. The same applies when you’re overtraining.

Bottom line? You just need a healthy, balanced diet. No less, no more. And for even more benefits, fill your clean diet with whole and organic foods.

Make your diet a lifestyle, not just a phase in your life for when you urgently need to fit into your favorite clothes for an occasion.

The post Nutrition Dont’s to Lose Fat appeared first on NUTRITIONCLUB.

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