Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Kettlebell Workout Tips and Tricks


Kettlebells may not be as popular as dumbbells, but they sure are an incredible workout equipment. They boost heart health, as well as build power and endurance. They basically combine both cardio and strength workout in one.

They’re also a great way to lose fat fast and effective. A study has shown that it can burn up to 20 calories in a minute!

Aside from mind-body benefits, they’re budget friendly. Just think of the gym membership fee that you will be able to save when you have them, along with dumbbells and barbells, at home.

To start, here are some kettlebell workout tips and tricks from Dr. Mercola:

Build Strength and Power with Kettlebells

If you’re looking for a full-body workout that can build your strength, balance, flexibility, and endurance, grab a kettlebell and get moving. If you’ve never used one, a kettlebell is essentially a cast iron weight that looks like a cannonball with a handle. Read more…

Moreover, Fitneass shares a few movements using kettlebells:

Kettlebell Workout Is The Latest Fitness Craze

There are always new workouts taking over the world of fitness. The kettlebell workout is quickly becoming the preferred option over traditional dumbbell workouts. You have most likely seen a kettlebell at your gym and wondered what you could possible do with such a large object. The kettlebell workout is designed to be intense and help you burn more than 300 calories in less than 20 minutes. This is a workout designed to help you sculpt your body and strengthen your muscles in target areas. Read more…

Finally, here’s a workout routine to follow that will take about 5 weeks, from the modern king of kettlebells Pavel Tsatsouline, as written by Mark Barroso on Muscle and Fitness:


It’s the very definition of simplicity. Of course, simple doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with easy. Benching 500 pounds is a simple concept. So is running a marathon. But accomplishing either is also extraordinarily difficult. Likewise, just because Pavel Tsatsouline’s five-week training program requires only two exercises a day using a single kettlebell doesn’t mean you won’t be cursing him every step of the way. There’s a lot of work here, but if you stick with it you’ll come out a stronger and leaner man on the other side. Tsatsouline, the author of Kettlebell: Simple & Sinister, is a former Soviet special forces instructor and currently a subject matter expert to elite U.S. military and law enforcement special ops units. He cites Russian professor Victor Selouyanov’s research with Russian national sports teams as inspiration for designing the plan you see here. Read more…

Be very careful when using this equipment, because like any other gym equipment, they can cause injuries and accidents when not handled properly.

To make the most out of your workouts, continue to do variations. This will provide challenges to your body, giving it more room to grow. It’s never a waste of time because they strengthen your muscles from head to toe. Plus, your workouts will be less boring.

So whether you’re an athlete, bodybuilder, weightlifter or someone who really wants to lose weight, just follow these kettlebell workout tips and trick, and watch your gains in no time!

The post Kettlebell Workout Tips and Tricks appeared first on NUTRITIONCLUB.

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