Thursday, October 15, 2015

Tone Your Abs with Lying Leg Raises, Pike Roll-Out and More

When you see a random dude in the gym with a sexy, six pack abs, you can’t help but sigh, right? You just wish you can magically make that appear in your tummy, too. Well, your dreams are now possible!

You can tone your abs with lying reg raises, sit ups, pike roll-outs and more, but which one is really effective? According to combat veteran and bodybuider
Dan Eslinger
, lying leg raise is one of the most effective exercises. More information is discussed on Muscle and Fitness:


In the past, whenever we’ve asked our high-level trainers for ab workouts, one exercise seems to always find its way into every program: the hanging leg raise. On the whole, our experts agree that no workout regimen is complete without lower ab and hip flexor work, and the leg raise is the best way to get the job done. Read more…

On the other hand, for personal trainer
Nick Tumminello
, pike roll-outs are the key. Know more about it on FitnessRX For Men:

The Best Ab Exercise?

Let’s get one thing very clear before we even discuss what may be the best ab exercise: if you’re looking to show off your abs, you need to watch what goes into your mouth. No amount of specific abdominal exercises can spot reduce the belly fat that’s covering up your muscles.  Read more…

If you want more options, here’s an effective workout on Tone And Tighten:


If you’re anything like me you’re always short on time. Between work, the kids, and other community/church/recreational activities you may be involved in, you’re always short on time. Today I’m sharing a killer ab workout that only takes about 15 minutes to complete and is a BURNER! Get in, get shredded, and get out! We’re going to be working hard on this one – here we go! Read more…

So what are you waiting for? You can tone your abs with lying leg raises, pike roll outs and more!

Make sure you exercise at least an hour a day, not just for your dream abs, but also for your overall well-being. Walking to the store, taking the stairs instead of the elevator – there are so many ways to increase your physical activity without you even knowing you are exercising.

Additionally, you have to stay away from foods that will cause unwanted weight gain. In particular, processed foods and fast foods are a no-no. Those that contain too much sugar should be thrown off as well. Choose whole and raw foods. They help increase your lifespan, reduce your risk of diseases, and make you feel better inside and out.

And of course, you have to limit, if not totally ditch, alcohol intake. Drink red wine instead beer. A recent study has shown that red wine increases your body’s good cholesterol levels. Just be sure you consume it in moderation!

The post Tone Your Abs with Lying Leg Raises, Pike Roll-Out and More appeared first on NUTRITIONCLUB.

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