Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Smoker’s Cough Could Be Early Sign Of Disease


Many smokers are aware of the ill effects smoking cause to their lives and the people around them. However, many are still addicted to this bad habit despite knowing how smoking leads to serious health issues and diseases. Chief among the diseases caused by smoking is the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

A number of smokers are not aware that they already have COPD. What makes the matter worst is that most smokers dismiss Smoker’s cough as just an ordinary cough and not a symptom of a far more serious health issue. According to BBC News, over 1 million Brits have it yet are not doing anything to address or treat this disease.

Smoker’s cough ‘could be sign of serious disease’

In a new campaign, Public Health England says too many smokers remain unaware of the risks of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

COPD, which narrows the airways, can leave people struggling to do simple tasks such as climbing stairs. Read more…

The impact of smoking doesn’t just affect smokers. It has been proven that non-smoking people who inhale secondhand smoke are also vulnerable to diseases associated with the habit.

There is no cure for COPD. It is a progressive disease that will ultimately lead to more health issues. That said, quitting the habit is one of way of slowing down the disease’s progression. Perhaps now is the time to kick the habit out of the way and start living a better life.

Image Credit: Smoker’s cough ‘could be sign of serious disease’ – BBC News 

The post Smoker’s Cough Could Be Early Sign Of Disease appeared first on NUTRITIONCLUB.

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